Parent Support Program

Learning that your child has a disability or special health care need is scary - Families Helping Families of Acadiana's Acadiana Parent Connection is here to help!

Special Education Frequently Asked Questions 1.0

Join us during this training as we cover some of the most commonly asked questions by parents about the Identification, Referral and Evaluation Process of special education. As part of our FAQ series, we also offer Special Education FAQ 2.0 that covers the IEP process and Special Education FAQ 3.0 that covers the transition process.

Special Education FAQs 2.0

Join us for this new interactive training on the most frequently asked questions about the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process.

Special Education FAQs 3.0

Join us for this new interactive training on the most frequently asked questions about the transition process from high school to adult life.

IEP VS the 504

The Basics of Educational Plans: IEP vs 504 Plans. This training will cover the differences between IEPs and 504 Plans.

Parent Rights in Special Education

Whether you’re new to special education or have been involved for a while, this workshop is for you. This presentation provides families with an introduction to their rights and responsibilities as parents of children with special needs under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).