Information & Referral
Working with the Regional AAHSD Developmental Disabilities Division to assist families to find and receive appropriate services and support in their community.

Information & Referral
Workshops and trainings are coordinated and presented on topics relevant to the issues facing persons with disabilities and their families. Topics include Basic Special Educational Rights, Individualized Education Plans (IEPS), Transition Planning, Early Intervention, Discipline, Behavior Rights, Organizational Skills, Communication Skills, Special Needs Trust, Age of Majority Planning, Disability Specific Topics and more. If you have a topic you think would be of interest to other families or professionals, let us know and we are always looking to provide new topics to you.

Peer to Peer Support
Our trained, knowledgeable staff members are either individuals with disabilities or parents of children with disabilities. They are here to provide you with the support you need.

Early Steps Community Outreach Specialist
Works with the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities to serve infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.

F2FHIC (Family to Family Health Info Center)
An initiative of Bayouland Families Helping Families that assists families with special health care needs with information and resources. For resource information for children with special health care needs.

Louisiana Bureau of
Family Health
The partnership with the Louisiana Bureau of Family Health works to connect Families Helping Families of Acadiana with families with children and youth with special health care needs. Additionally, its scope is to connect FHF Acadiana with community providers, in order to connect providers to families in need of their services.
Advocacy Group

The Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council’s mission is to lead and promote advocacy, capacity building and systemic change to improve the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Louisiana’s Council’s Advocacy Network(LACAN) furthers this mission by advocating…